a great deal of experience
We have a great deal of experience in working on listed buildings, in conservation areas, and in other heritage situations. From the grade I listed Victoria and Albert Museum in London, to more humble grade 2 terrace houses, our approach is essentially the same. That is to restore what should be restored of the original building in a scholarly way, but where a new intervention is required, it should be clear and contemporary in its style. It should be respectful of the original and usually subservient to it, though not always. A new intervention within historic building fabric should usually be reversible without damaging the original.
In conservation areas we favour contemporary designs that are able to sit comfortably along side the older built fabric. The new building must be able to add to the character and appearance of the conservation area and may well acknowledge some of its defining characteristics. It is our belief that a new building should seldom seek to copy an historical building.