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What would it be like if a schoolhouse cost less than a second hand car to build, say less than £5000? And yet the building provided high quality facilities for up to 45 children in villages in some of the neediest countries in the world. The buildings would obviously need to be quick and simple to build by local people, be earthquake safe, cool inside, long lasting, and fully recyclable at the end of their life. The buildings should also be carbon negative using only solar power. Such a building does not exist yet, but when it does it will look like this. A charity project designed and launched by Linedota Architects with generous assistance from Professor Stan Guidera and students from the Bowling Green State University USA, Villian Wing-Lam Lo of the University of Cambridge, and staff and students from the University of Nottingham. Internal images by Martina Kueng, further modelling by Alexander Panlilio.
In Septemebr 2008, Christopher submitted a paper titled: "0.3,0.3: Zero: An investigation into a structural prototype" for the RIBA research awards, UK.
This project is also the subject of two papers Christopher co-authored with S. Guidera Professor of Architecture Bowling Green State University USA.
"Regionalism and Necessity. Development of a Prototype in Rural Uganda: More out of Less". Presented March 2009 for the 97th meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) USA.
"Using Photorealistic Rendering to Support a Third-world Community Development Project". Presented June 2009 for the annual meetting of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) USA.